Wednesday, March 17, 2010

When the going gets tough, the tough get going!!

We all dream a dream every night. But how come we don’t remember most of these dreams when we wake up in the morning. Is it that we are just not dreaming big enough? Do you ever catch yourself day dreaming at work or while driving? What do you think about when you day dream? Is it about a new car, new house, your girl friend or your career or just about a situation at work? Our life is full of things which we continue to think about consciously or sub consciously.

Day dreaming typically means you are thinking about something big for your future. It’s a normal human tendency to think big. It doesn’t always mean that it’s realistic or it will come true. However if you do want to achieve something big then you need an action plan to realize your dreams. You absolutely must have a vision. They say “Aim for the moon and even if you don’t reach the moon you will land amongst the stars!!”

You may have a dream of climbing Mount Everest and I am using Everest as a metaphor here. You must realize that the climb is going to be tough and steep. You may feel satisfied and content once you have reached the top and realized your dream or you may realize that it wasn’t your dream and you were living someone else’s dream.

Now getting started isn’t always easy and neither is finding the right path to your destination. The challenge is to keep on going and not lose hope or focus mid way. So it’s important to have certain traits to achieve the success.

  1. Having a realistic dream: It’s important to have a realistic goal. It’s easy to say “I want to be Bill Gates or the richest person on this earth” but is it realistic for you? So realize your potential, understand your limitations and plan accordingly.
  2. Have short term goals to achieve the long term goals: You need to make a conscious effort to set intermediate milestones to reach your end goal. The mountain will appear to be big but once you reach an intermediate milestone and learn to celebrate every small achievement the journey will be more entertaining.
  3. Take a break and enjoy the moments: You can’t always run at 100 miles/hour. You do need to understand that we are after all human beings. We need a break and enjoy the moments. So stop and take the time to enjoy the view while you are climbing the mountain of your dreams. Make every step count and you will find yourself charged and well motivated for the next milestone.
  4. Prepare for failures: Life is not perfect, neither is it a bed of roses. You will stumble along the way. Your path will be full of stones, rocks and pot holes. You must prepare yourself for setbacks and failures. “Success is not final neither is failure, it’s the courage to continue after the failure that matters”. You have got to be tough.
  5. Be receptive: be flexible to change your path along the way if you think you are taking the wrong path. Be open to new ideas. You will meet several people along your journey who have different perspective of life who are bubbling with new ideas which you may have never thought of. So as long as you are ready to embrace the new ideas with the positive attitude, you will find it easy to make adjustments to your path.

So what do you think? Are you ready to think “Big”? I am…………………


  1. very nicely put.i always day dream about things which i am sure will never happen. but they give me momentary happiness and satisfaction.
    the step by step analysis which you have given is very precise and will prove handy for the ones who have ambitions and want to achieve something.
    but there are quite a few who dream of unattainable things for them dream world is their world.

  2. Nice insight into what happens to a humans mind when sleeping. How do you analyze your dreams though? I would love to get some thoughts on this.

  3. Thanks, I follow the same rules and the post is from personal experience.
